IT stuff

IT stuff

Dear webmaster,

This is the page where our IT stuff is stored.  It is a “hidden” page. In other words, there is no way to navigate to this page unless you know the URL

You may choose to have your own hidden page to store IT policies and procedures.  Or you may point to our (CURE100) IT page if you feel that is useful.  Or you can simply delete this page if not useful.

Collection of all our IT stuff (hidden web page)

Tutorial Videos

Website Hosting Information

The CURE100 domain name was purchased from GoDaddy.  Editing of the website is done with WordPress.  Hosting of the website on the internet is done by CloudFlare, which in turn relies on some VMs (Virtual Machines) that run on our Google Cloud Platform (this section needs editing).

In contrast, the Croton100 domain name was purchased from GoDaddy, editing of the website is done in the GoDaddy tool, and hosting of the website on the internet is also handled by GoDaddy.


Here is a link to our Google Drive. Below are links to commonly used folders in our Google Drive:

Carbon Tracker Stuff

If we wanted to, we could store links to Carbon Tracker documentation here such as requirements documents, testing reports, software development contracts, documents by Sergiu/Lucian on how different parts of the Carbon Tracker work, etc.

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