Dear webmaster,

This is the “Resources” page. It is implemented as an accordion widget.

I’ve left in selected resources from the CURE100 website that may be of interest to you (snapshot as of June 6, 2023) — you can hack out whatever you don’t want.

You could also consider providing a link to CURE100’s Resources page at

Remember to remove this section after reading.


BEST Framework

The BEST (Bus Electrification for School Transportation) framework allows for easy comparison of electric school buses and fossil fuel buses. It automatically produces graphical charts of Total Cost of Ownership and Cumulative Carbon Savings. It also serves as a repository of resources to convince School officials, transportation staff and the voting public about the benefits of electric school buses in a quantified manner.
Click here to download the BEST framework, which is in the form of an Excel spreadsheet.
See the “Intro” tab for instructions on how to use this framework.
Email us if you have any problems or questions or feedback.
Version history:
v1.15/23/2021Initial version, included charger costs and subsidy thereof
v1.25/23/2021Bug fixes, better defaults
v1.35/24/2021Added data validation and locking of sheets + option to show tax levy per household
v1.45/25/2021Fixed bugs, improved documentation
v1.56/5/2021Allowed fuel and maintenance costs to be per mile or per year; added “Release notes” tab; removed 19% discount for NY electricity carbon
v1.66/20/2021Added support for inflation and Net Present Value calculations
v1.77/22/2021Added support for Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) annual revenue
v1.83/18/2022Fixed bug in V2G calculations in the per-household cost display option

Recent Articles

Introductory material

Funding sources

Studies and experiences in various school districts

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