By Cyril Cabral, Jr. If someone had told you a few years ago that there would be a pandemic in the future that would kill between 5 to 11 million worldwide (depending how you count them) you would likely not have believed it. If you were then told it could be stopped by wearing a mask and keeping a distance…
The Case for Man-Made Climate Change
Cyril Cabral, Jr. The Case for Man-Made Climate Change Have you ever walked up to your car on a pleasant afternoon and once inside realized it was a blast furnace? You start to overheat and do not want to touch your hot steering wheel; this is greenhouse warming. The brilliant sunshine through the windows warms everything in your car as…
Protecting the Environment by Making Your Home Green
By: Cyril Cabral Jr. How would you dress if you had to spend the day outside in Antarctica, with an average yearly temperature of -57 o F? You would probably not have any exposed skin – covered from head to toe with windbreaking garments – to minimize the chance of frostbite. Next, you may consider many layers and a down-like…
A Wellness Exam for Your House – The Home Performance Audit
By: Cyril Cabral Jr. Would you skip your annual physical (wellness) exam and wait years until there is a problem before making that appointment? Probably not. Health is something not to be taken for granted and finding an issue well before it becomes a crisis is important. Likewise, finding issues with home performance well before major problems ensue is critical. …
What is Climate Change All About?
By: Cyril Cabral Jr Riding a bicycle is a complex task, with many of our 600 human muscles needed to keep us balanced and moving forward. As we have all experienced, an untied shoe, a sandy patch of ground, an animal running in our path or a fly landing on our nose, is all it takes for an unbalanced situation…
Stepping Towards a Sustainable Lifestyle
By: Cyril Cabral Jr. It is up to all of us to take steps, no matter how small, toward making the planet cleaner, safer and healthier, for us and for future generations. Today’s article is about the miracle of light emitting diode (LED) technology. This article, as well as all other articles sharing practical tips, are filed on our website…