What’s My T-shirt Have to do With it?

By: Leo Wiegman “Cradle to grave designs dominate modern manufacturing” architect Bill McDonough and chemist Michael Braungart,(2002) Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things. www.mbdc.com T-shirts are arguably the most popular and common clothing item on Planet Earth. Life cycle assessment—often abbreviated as LCA and also termed “life cycle analysis,” “cradle to grave,” or “material flow analysis”—is the…

Where on Earth is Dot tv?

By: Leo Wiegman As one of the youngest nations on Earth, Tuvalu could be among the first countries to disappear from the face of the Earth as rising sea levels render some islands uninhabitable. Just over 11,000 Tuvaluans live on the 9 atoll islands of Tuvalu. Tuvaluans have inhabited their archipelago for thousands of years. Located about midway between Hawaii and…

Croton100 Carbon Tracker: Peering Behind the Curtain

By: Leo Wiegman Or how I stopped worrying and learned to love my data! “If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.” — Lord Kelvin   “The environment and climate change are the most critically important policy priorities we face.” — Governor Andrew M. Cuomo The formation of Croton100 traces back to the October 2018 Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report…

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